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Q: How many hectares were burnt in the Black Saturday Bushfire?
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What are some good solutions to the black Saturday bushfire?

One is not to build your house in an area where you can get easily burnt out when conditions get dangerous. the land may be beautiful and cheap but in the end the costs may be tragic.

How can you die in a bushfire besides getting burnt to death?

In a bushfire the smoke can suffocate you

How hot was the black Saturday bushfire fire?

The Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia in 2009 were extremely intense, with temperatures reaching over 600 degrees Celsius (1112 degrees Fahrenheit) in some areas. The fires were fueled by extreme weather conditions, including record-breaking heat and strong winds.

What is the name of a famous Australian bushfire?

Up until 2009, the deadliest and most destructive Australian bushfires were the January 1939 "Black Friday" fires which decimated entire towns in minutes and killed 71 people. The "Ash Wednesday" fires in February 1983, which blazed from Adelaide and right across Victoria, killed 72 people and burnt out 5 million hectares burnt out. Over 2 thousand homes destroyed, several townships wiped out and 750 farms affected. The "Ash Wednesday" fires resulted in major legislative changes governing where and how people could build houses outside the metropolitan areas. Even more destructive were the "Black Saturday" bushfires that started on 7 February 2009 and ultimately killed over 200 people in different parts of the state of Victoria. These were caused by a combination of extended extreme temperatures, arson and electrical power pole faults.

How did the black Saturday bush fires effect the power lines?

the power lines got burnt and it sent out a long way people having no power

How long did it take to put out the black Saturday fire?

The Black Saturday fires in 2009 were not fully extinguished until some weeks after they began, with officials declaring the fires to be contained on March 14, 2009. The fires burned across Victoria, Australia from February 7 to March 14, 2009, resulting in devastating loss of life and property.

What color is black when its burnt?

When black is burnt, it turns a grayish color due to the carbon content in the material being burnt. The black pigment may lose its intensity and appear lighter or ashy when subjected to high heat or combustion.

How many hectares were burnt in Victoria Australia on Ash Wednesday?

the Ash Wednesday bushfires hit in February 1983. In Victoria, around 200,000 hectares of land were destroyed, the equivalent of twice the size of Melbourne. South Australia was also hit by fires which broke out in the Adelaide Hills and Mt Lofty, and the Clare Valley, destroying 208,000 hectares of land in farming country and another 21,000 hectares of pine forests in the state's south-east.

What does it mean when there is black on your bacon?

Black on bacon means that you burnt it.

What happens when a candle is burnt?

It is black and melts

Should a grisaille be painted in black and white or is burnt umber and option?

Black and white becomes too cold, add burnt umber for neutralisation. Rather, start with burnt umber and cool a little with ivory black. And make the values with adding white

When you burn bread and there is black burnt things on it what is the name of the black stuff?
