i think it 8 based on my memory
138 miles taking this route:Take A453, from Nottingham, to A42 (to M42) to BIRMINGHAM.Take A42 & M42 to M5 (S) to The SOUTH WEST.Take M5 down to Bristol.
The distance between Leicester and Nottingham is approximately 30 miles. The travel time typically ranges from 40 minutes to an hour by car depending on traffic conditions.
London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, Newcastle, Exeter, Nottingham plus many more.
390 000!
Cockroach travel many feet in an hour.
There are 2 universities in Nottingham: the University of Nottingham, and Nottingham Trent University.
It takes approximately 2 hours to travel by train from London to Nottingham, and about 3 hours by car. The exact time can vary depending on traffic conditions and mode of transportation.
There are too many to list them all here but the main ones are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol, Newcastle, Nottingham, Exeter, Coventry, etc. etc.
There are many hotels located in the English City of Nottingham with prices to suit all visitors. The best places to look to find good deals are Hotels and Expedia on the internet.
Nottingham to Caernarfon in the UK is 174 miles. It should take approx. 2 hour 25 minutes to drive. Longer if you stop for a break or to refuel on route.
The shortest driving time is 1 hour and 19 minutes.