It depends on where in Mississippi you are, but I looked up a flight from Columbus to Kuwait, and it came out to 7,238 miles.
how many miles is it from floreda to kuwait
450 miles
How many miles from Mississippi to Florida
The air distance from Kuwait City, Kuwait, to Honolulu, Hawaii, is 4,959 miles. That equals 7,981 kilometers or 4,309 nautical miles.
The air distance from Kuwait City, Kuwait, to Pullman, Washington, is 7,115 miles. That equals, 11,450 kilometers or 6,183 nautical miles.
Distance between Phoenix, Arizona, United States and Kuwait City, Kuwait 7932 miles (12765 km) (6893 nautical miles)
4052 miles
150 miles
The air distance between Kuwait and New York is 8449 miles / 13597 kilometers
Mississippi has a total of 48,430 square miles.
"How many miles is it from California to Kuwait?" In considering the city in California your departing from enroute to Kuwait. Los angeles to Frankfurt Germany is 11 hours in flight time, Frankfurt Germany to Kuwait city, Kuwait is 5 hours in flight time. So roughly 18-20,000 nautical miles off the top of my head. Best wishes
It is 6,929 across the Atlantic Ocean from South Carolina to Kuwait. A flight from Charleston, South Carolina to Kuwait City, Kuwait is 14-hours and 28-minutes.