Distance between Baltimore, MD, United States and Nassau, The Bahamas, as the crow flies: 821 miles (1322 km) (714 nautical miles)
George Town, Exuma to Nassau, Bahamas is approx. 125 nautical miles or 145 miles.
The distance from Dania Beach, Florida, to Nassau, Bahamas, is 187 air miles. That equals 301 kilometers or 162 nautical miles.
The air distance from Columbus, Ohio, to Nassau, Bahamas, is 1,079 miles. That equals 1,736 kilometers or 937 nautical miles.
303 nautical miles
The air distance from Chicago, Illinois, to Nassau, the Bahamas, is 1,301 miles. That equals 2,094 kilometers or 1,131 nautical miles.
The distance from West Frankfort, New York, to Nassau, Bahamas, is 1,247 air miles. That equals 2,007 kilometers or 1,084 nautical miles.
Four hundred fifty (450) is the air mileage from Nassau, Bahamas, to Jacksonville, Florida. That equals 725 kilometers or 391 nautical miles.
Three hundred seventy-five (375) is the air mileage from Nassau, Bahamas, to Tampa, Florida. That equals 603 kilometers or 326 nautical miles.
Three hundred forty-four (344) is the air mileage from Nassau, Bahamas, to Orlando, Florida. That equals 554 kilometers or 299 nautical miles.
One thousand one hundred thirty (1,130) is the mileage from Akron, Ohio, to Nassau, Bahamas. That equals 1,818 kilometers or 982 nautical miles.
The air distance from Nassau, Bahamas, to Rome, New York, is 1,254 miles. That equals 2,018 kilometers or 1,090 nautical miles.