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The number of GP practices in the UK is approx. 10,087

8228 in England

483 in Wales

1019 in Scotland

357 in Northern Ireland

Latest Data for England and Wales from the HSCIC 2010 GP Vacancy Survey (2010)

Latest Data for Scotland from the ISDScotland (2010)

Latest Data for NI from the HSCNI (2009)

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How many Gp's are there in the UK?

There are 61,1936 registered doctors on the GP Register for the UK (as at 1st August 2011

How many gp's are in the UK?

There are 61,1936 registered doctors on the GP Register for the UK (as at 1st August 2011)

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What is the number of GP surgeries in the UK in 2009?

Approx 10,000 GP Practices in the UK in 2009

How many English gp surgeris in the UK?

The number of GP practices in England is 8228 Latest Data for England and Wales from the HSCIC 2010 GP Vacancy Survey (2010)

How many gp practises in UK?

The number of GP practices in the UK is approx. 10,0878228 in England483 in Wales1019 in Scotland357 in Northern IrelandLatest Data for England and Wales from the HSCIC 2010 GP Vacancy Survey (2010)Latest Data for Scotland from the ISDScotland (2010)Latest Data for NI from the HSCNI (2009)

Can I buy physiological solution in a pharmacy in the UK?

No it has to be prescribed by your gp

How many English gp are in the UK?

There are 61,193 Doctors on the UK GP Register but the GMC does not state how many of these are English. The GMC does state that 155,135 of the Doctors registered in the UK have also qualified in the UK. The GMC also states that there are 92,463 registered Doctors of 'White British' ethnicity.

How many doctors are there in the UK?

There are round about 2 million patients a day admitted to hospital, and in the whole of the UK there are 20 million doctors.

How are GP's funded?

In the UK, GPs are funded by the state, through local authorities.

How many doctors are there per 10000 people in UK?

Britain has one of the lowest of European countries with a "GP to Head of Population" ratio of 1:562

What is the salary of a gp in the UK?

Average gross salary for a GP (before tax and expenses are deducted) is £228,367 (Latest data sourced from NHS ICHSC for 2008/2009 tax year). GP's includes contractors and salaried GP's but does not include locums or freelancers. GP's include those on GPMS, GMS and PMS contracts.