Nowadays (2014), there are some 63 people per square kilometer (161 per sq mi) in Mexico.
Spain - 231 people/sq mile
There is 4.4 people per. sq. mile.
One square mile is equal to approximately 2.59 square kilometers.
Norway has a population density of around 37 people per square mile.
one square mile equals 259.10931136 hectares
About 4900 people/ sq mile
Population density - Rome, Italy - 5,505.2 people per square mile.
Anaheim, California, USA - Population density: 7,117.7 people per square mile.
The population density of Vancouver is approximately 5,492 people per square mile.
Mecca, Saudi Arabia - Population density: 2,625 people per square mile.
As of 2020, Indiana has an average population density of around 188 people per square mile.