Nigeria - 356,667 square miles.
The area of Ogun State, Nigeria, is 16,762 square kilometers.
The area of Aba North in Nigeria is 23 square kilometers.
Nigeria's geographical area is 923,768 km2
Lagos' area is 1,340 square miles (3,480 square kilometers).
The area of Kaltungo, a Local Government Area in Nigeria, is approximately 1,745 square kilometers.
The area of Kano Municipal in Nigeria is approximately 499 square kilometers.
Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, covers an approximate area of 713 square kilometers.
The area of Ede North is 111 square kilometers.
Enugu is a state in Nigeria, not a specific area. The total land area of Enugu state is about 7,161 square kilometers.
Bebeji is a Local Government Area in Nigeria, so it does not have a specific area measurement. The area of Bebeji would be measured in square kilometers or square miles.
356,669 square miles.