Toronto is about 551 kilometres (343 miles) from New York City.
The total distance in air miles from Anchorage, Alaska, to New York City is 3,370 miles, or 5,424 kilometres.
New York City, New York - 468.9 square miles.
Central Park in New York City is approximately 3.4 square kilometers in size.
The total distance from Fort Myers, Florida to New York City, as the crow flies, is 1,069 miles, or 1,721 kilometres.
The distance from New York City to Toronto is approximately 500 miles.
The distance from the North Pole and New York City is 5493 kilometres or 3413 miles.
It has an area of 7,853.8 square kilometers (3,032.4 square miles) and is home of some 21.16 million people. For comparison purposes, it is half the size of greater New York City, but contains almost the same quantity of people.
Union Square - New York City - was created in 1882.
12 765 kilometres.
716 kilometres
No, Vancouver City is not bigger than New York City.