According to the ordnance survey, Great Britain is measured as 90,504 square miles (234,411 square kilometres).
Liverpool's metropolitan area (borough and city) covers 111.84 km2
England's size in square kilometers is: 130,395 km2
England has an area of 130395 sq km which equates to 130395000000 sq metres.
Newcastle is 43.63 sq miles (113 km²).
England is one of three countries in the United Kingdom. It covers 50,346 square miles (130,395 square kilometers) of land.
Britain, which includes both England, Scotland, and Wales, encompasses approximately 243,000 square kilometers.
England to Thailand - 9,541.3 km
130,395 sq km
There are 2.6 square km in a square mile.
Norfolk County in England covers an area of approximately 2,074 square miles.
England covers an area of 50,346 sq miles (130,395 km²).
Answer: 1 km² = 0.386102 mi²