Kern County, CA has an area of 8,161.42 square miles.
There is no strict definition of "Southern California." But if you want to count LA County, San Diego County, Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Ventura County, and Santa Barbara County; then Southern California is about 40,892 square miles. If you add in Kern County, San Luis Obispo County, and Imperial County...then Southern California is about 56,512 square miles.
Approx 8163 square miles.
Kern County
By area, the third largest California city is, oddly enough, California City (Kern County) with an area of 203.52 sq mi (527.1 km2).
Cache Creek is in Kern County, California
Grapevine is located in Kern County, California.
Kern County is located in the heart of the state of California. Kern County is a growning community with a variety of industries and recreational opportunities.
Kern County.
The web address of the Kern County Museum is: http://www.kcmuseum.Org
King City is a city in California. Kern County is a county in California.
The phone number of the Kern County Museum is: 661-852-5000.