Arizona has a total area of 113,990 square miles of which about 400 square miles is water.
Arizona has a total area of 113,998 square miles.
Arizona has an area of 113,998 square miles and the 2010 population as recorded by the US Census was 6,392.017.
Arizona's area is 113,990 square miles.
Coconino County in Arizona covers approximately 18,661 square miles.
how many square miles are there in the Phoenix, Az metro?
Arizona has a total area of about 113,990 square miles, making it the sixth largest state in the United States.
Arizona is the sixth largest US State at 13.998 square miles. New Mexico is #5 and Nevada is #7.
7.7 square miles.
It is 113,909 square miles.
It covers 380 acres which is about 0.6 square mile.
Arizona, USA - 113,956 square miles or 295,144.7 km2