175.7 miles
you silly cant
Barnsley to the fishing port of Grimsby on the east coast is 78 miles by Motorway routes. Or 58 miles as the crow flies.
About 35 miles
The distance from Nottingham to Barnsley is approximately 45 miles.
It is 56 Miles from Barnsley to Lincoln
108 miles taking M1 to The SOUTH.
Newcastle to Barnsley is 118 miles according to AA route planner.
The shortest driving distance is 176 miles. (153 miles as the crow flies).
736 miles
200 miles taking this route:Take M1 (SOUTH) towards LONDON, from Barnsley, to A14 FELIXSTOWE at J19.Take A14 across to A11 NORWICH at J38, past Cambridge.Take A11 to Attleborough.
235 miles taking M1 (NORTH) to A1 to the NORTH towards WEATHERBY, then A1 to Edinburgh.