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The city area covers 228 square miles (591 squarekm)

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Q: How many square miles is Chicago?
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How many miles was the Chicago Fire?

About 4 square miles.

How many square miles burned in the great Chicago fire?

About 4 square miles.

How many square miles is Indianapolis Indiana larger than Chicago Illinois?

According to Wikipedia... Indianapolis is 372 square miles and Chicago is 234 square miles. Making Indianapolis approximately 50% larger than Chicago.

What is the area in square miles of Chicago?

228.4 square miles

What is Chicago's size in square miles?

234.0 Square miles, of which 6.9 square miles is water.

How many yards did the great Chicago fire burn?

About 2,560 acres or 4 square miles.

How many miles wide is the city of Chicago?

the city from east to west along I-290 is about 8 miles. although the city is roughly 3 times that(22 miles) when you consider its north to south distance along lake michigan.

What was damage in the Great Chicago Fire?

Four square miles of Chicago was destroyed.

How many miles is Chicago from suffolk?

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Which areas does Chicagoland cover?

Chicago covers an area of over 14,000 square miles this includes 2,122 square miles of urban land and 10,874 square miles of metro land. Further information about this can be found on the Chicago Wikipedia page.

What city bigger by land Houston or chicago?

Houston, Texas is bigger than Chicago by nearly three times. Total land area of Chicago is 234.0 square miles, verus Houston, which is 627.8 square miles.

How big is Chicago in land mass?

Chicago covers an area of approximately 234 square miles.