There are approximately 7,835 miles between Grand Rapids and Dhaka.
8732 miles. Source-2017 Microsoft)
The area of Dhaka District in Bangladesh is approximately 1,463 square kilometers.
Dhaka covers a total area of 306.38 square kilometres (118.29 sq mi)
You have to fly to Dhaka first, and then make your way to Sylhet. The distance to Dhaka is 5,022 miles. From Dhaka it is about 150 miles more to get to Sylhet.
The area of Dhaka Kotwali Thana is 2,069,999.9999999998 square meters.
Dhaka's population density is 23,200 per square kilometer.
There are 3256.791 miles between Dhaka, Bangladesh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
around 150 sq miles. area of Dhaka city corporation increasing year after year, as for job, house many areas at the end areas of Dhaka becoming LIVING area. Transport are going there. When fresh water and electricity are there, people demands that area to be included under city corporation.
260,558 square miles
Dhaka has 20 MP seats (the whole Dhaka)
Madagascar is approximately 226,917 square miles in size.