Egypt - 387,048 square miles or 1,002,450 square km
Egypt - 387,048 square miles.
386,662 square miles.
The area of Egypt in square miles is 387,048 square miles, or 2,043,613,440 square feet. The area of Libya is 679,359 square miles, or 3,587,015,520 square feet. If you subtract the are of Egypt from the area of Libya, you can find that Libya is actually 1,543,402,080 square feet larger than than Egypt.
Egypt - 387,048 total square miles of which 384,601.85 square miles is land.
Approx 2320 square miles of Egypt are covered by water.
The total land area of Egypt is approximately 385,229 square miles.
Egypt's land area is approximately 386,662 square miles.
Egypt (officially Arab Republic of Egypt) - 387,048 square miles.
The land mass of Egypt is - 386,662 square miles The land mass of Wyoming is - 97,814 square miles To determine how many times larger Egypt is then Wyoming you divide: 386,662/97,814 = 3.953 Egypt is 3.953 times larger than Wyoming
It's 386,000 square miles.Egypt's area is 1,010,400 square kilometers.
Egypt has a total land area of approximately 386,660 square miles, which is about 1,200,000 square kilometers. This converts to around 1,000,000,000 square feet.