Maui, Hawaii, USA - 727.2 square miles.
Saipan at 44.6 square miles is approximately the same size as Kaho'olawe, a neighboring island to Maui. Maui is 729 square miles, so it is over 16 times the size of either one.
The flight distance from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to Maui is about 2,640 miles.
The flight distance from Cincinnati, OH to Maui is about 4,380 miles.
There are 2,847 air miles between Spokane and Maui.
3,940 miles
The island of Maui covers a total of 727 square miles. It is the second largest Hawaiian island. The population of Maui as of the 2010 Census was 144,444 people.
The flight distance from Hartford, CT to Maui is about 4,965 miles.
It's about 2,100 miles from Sacramento California to maui Hawaii.
The flight distance from Indianapolis International Airport to Maui is about 4,280 miles.
its about 4690 miles