Okinawa Island is approximately 460 square miles in size.
Distance from Pittsburgh to Okinawa Prefecture is 7,496 miles.
1538 miles.
1321 miles
7,606 Miles.
it is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles
Air miles from Macon, Georgia, to Okinawa, Japan, total 7,883 miles. That is 12,686 kilometers or 6,850 nautical miles.
There are 7,405 miles between the cities of Fort Worth, Texas and Okinawa, Japan. This is the same as 11,917 kilometers.
The air distance from Springfield, Missouri, to Naha, Okinawa, Japan, is 7,329 miles. That equals 11,794 kilometers or 6,368 nautical miles.
6766 MI/10889 KM
There are approximately 5,749 miles from Tacoma, WA to Okinawa, Japan. The flight time is an estimated 22 hours and 45 minutes.
Its about 750 miles away