

Best Answer

Spain (Kingdom of Spain) - 195,364 square miles.
195,364 square miles.
195,364 square miles.

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Q: How many square miles is Spain?
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How many sq miles is Spain?

Spain covers 195,364 square miles.

How many miles is Spain located?

Spain is around 195,364 square miles.

What is Spain's area in square miles and square kilometers?

Spain (Kingdom of Spain) has 195,124 square miles or 505,370 km2.

What is the area in square miles that Spain covers?

Spain covers 195,124 square miles.

What is the land area of Spain in square miles?

The Kingdom of Spain has an area of 195,364 square miles.

How many miles wide is Spain?

The country of Spain is 195,379 square miles wide and is also 504.782 kilometers wide.

What is the square kilometers and miles in Spain?

The Kingdom of Spain has 505,370 km2 or 195,124 square miles.

How big is Spain compared to Michigan?

Spain is 195,124 square miles and Michigan is 96,716 square miles.

What is the size of Espana in square miles?

Spain has 195,364 square miles.

What is the total square miles or kilometers of Spain?

Spain's total area is 504,030 km2 OR 195,364 square miles.

What is Spain's size in square miles?

Spain in Europe has an area of 195,364 square miles.This is equal to 505,990 square kilometres.The area includes the Canary Islands near the west coast of Africa.

How big is the Spain in sq miles?

Spain has a total land area of 504,782 square kilometres or 195,379 square miles.