Sunderland to Essex is 290.22 miles
1544 miles
93 miles
Newcastle to Sunderland = 12.7 miles.
The distance from Sunderland to Morpeth is approximately 36 miles by road.
By road. about 80 miles.
There are about 100 miles between Sunderland SR4 and Bridlington, North Yorkshire.
around 10 maybe 15 but depends where in sunderland and where in scumcastle m8?
275 miles taking this route:Take M1 to The NORTH, from London, to A1(M) towards WEATHERBY.Take A1 to A690 to SUNDERLAND at J62.Take A690 to SUNDERLAND.
The distance from Sunderland to Ayrshire, Scotland is approximately 180 miles by road.
around 250
Two of them.