1 bigha = 3025 sq yards or gaj
1008.33 Sq Yd in one bigha in Punjab
There are 28500 sq ft to a bigha in Uttar Pradesh
3000 sf
1 bigha = 1 600 square yards; but the answer is not valid for all countries. See also the link below.
Bigha is not actually a standardised unit of measure. It may differ from place to place. Most common measure used is 1000 sq yards = 1 bigha.
2468 m2 = 1 bigha
1 Bigha = 1,369 m2
A yard is a unit of length. A bigha is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.
The bigha is a unit of measurement of area of a land, commonly used in Nepal, Bangladeshand in a few states of India. The precise size of a bigha appears to vary considerably. Sources have given measurements that range from 1,500 to 6,771 square meters, but in several smaller pockets, it is as high as 12,400 square meters.- Wikipedia
A bigha is not a standard measure: it varies from region to region. It is probably 27220 square feet.