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The US gained 20 percent in expansion in buying Alaska from Russia in 1867.

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Q: How much expanded percent did the US gain when they bought Alaska?
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When did the us gain control over Alaska?

It bought Alaska in 1867.

In what year did the US gain control over Alaska?

The US bought Alaska from Russia in 1867.

When did Alaska gain independence?

There was no point in time where Alaska gained independence. The United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1867, and it became a territory of the US. On January 3, 1959, Alaska was granted statehood.

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The US gained Alaska in 1867.

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Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7,200,000 in 1867

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The Alaska purchase from Russia by the United States occurred in 1867 at the behest of Secretary of State William Seward. (see seward's folly) also see:

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It voided all claims by Russia in North America including valid claims to Washington State and Oregon.

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