According to the currency conversion site Xe - at the time of replying (21:38 on 29/03/2012) - 10,000,000 Yen is worth approximately £76,028.32
10 million Japanese yen is equal to 836,333.07 Swedish kronors.
10 Million in Japanese yen is $122,452.57 in US dollars
about $100000 think about it this way 100 yen is about $1
About 100 million, just a little more.
108 550 U.S. dollars
10 Canadian cent, is about 10 yen.
0.109575 USD (united states dollar) that's how much 10 yen is worth
As of today (02APR2011), 10 Million Yen is worth about $118,906 US Dollars.
it is $110,000 in us currency
10 trillion yen is equal to $127,796,000,000.0000 US dollars.
It is 5 cents. for every 10 yen it's a dollar.
The amount you get paid depends on the length of time you've been translating Japanese and the kind of experience you have. There are salaries ranging from 4.5 million yen per year (approx. $41K) to 10 million yen per year. (approx. $94K)