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Q: How much time will it take to cover a distance of 1500km by a train if the avreage speed is 50 km?
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Equation to find speed?

Speed = (Distance)/(Time to cover the distance)

What is the formula ffor calculating speed?

Speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance)

How do they calculate average speed?

Average speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance)

How do you do distance in mathamatical form?

Distance=speed*Time (taken to cover that distance)

What equals distance divided by speed?

(distance covered) divided by (average speed over the distance) = (time to cover the distance)

Which two measurements are needed to determine the speed of an object?

To determine the speed of an object, you would need to know the distance it has traveled and the time it took to cover that distance. Speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance.

Is the average speed the total distance divided by slope?

The average speed is the total distance divided by the time taken to cover the distance.

If you cover a given distance in a moment that would be your average speed true or false?

Average speed = distance/time

What are two components of speed?

They are distance and time. As speed is a certain ditsance per time taken to cover that distance.

The mean speed over the journey?

Mean Speed = Total Distance / Total Time taken to cover the distance

What is the equation used to find the speed of an object?

Speed=Distance travelled by the object /Time taken to cover the distance.

What is the definition of average speed?

Averaged speed = distance traveled during some time/time to cover the distance .