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Deforestation occurs because people want money and the wood market is a big money maker but you have to put roads in place and much more.

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Q: How often does deforestation occur in Africa?
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Is the deforestation in Africa bad?

deforestation is bad go to google and hit images and type deforestation in Africa

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You can find them most often in the Sahel Desert in Africa.

How would you use deforestation in a sentence?

I saw deforestation on my way to Africa.

How has the deforestation affected Africa?

in euajop

How can deforestation be avoided in Africa?

i think deforestation can be avoided in Africa by you stop cutting down trees and prob-ally have new york send Africa paper or something

When and how did deforestation occur in NZ?

Pollution of nz

How is Deforestation affecting Africa's people?


Does deforestation happen in South Africa?

Oh yes.

When did deforestation occur in New Zealand?

It has happened and is still happening.

Where does deforestation occur in the democratic republic of Congo?

to build mines

What causes deforestation in West Africa?

Osama Bin Ladin

Does deforestation occur in Australia?

I belive that everyone is involved in deforestation. Yes everyone is involved but in a way that they buy palm oil products and all the deforestation.