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Apparently it's just called a "half-century." Disappointingly non-creative. Let's come up with a new word, like "cincade" or "toyotathon."

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15y ago

100 years is a century

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Q: If ten years in a decade what is 100 years?
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What are decades?

a decade is a period of ten years, while a century is a period of 100 years.

How many century in a decade?

There are no centuries in a decade. A century is 100 years, and a decade is 10 years. Therefore there is .10 centuries in a decade.

Is 10 years in a decade or a century?

Ten years is one decade. A century is 100 years, or 10 decades.

How many years make up a decade?

Ten YEARS make a decade. A decade is larger than a yeaR

Is ten years a century?

No because a century is a 100 years and 10 years is a decade

If 100 years is a century what are 10 years?

Ten years is a decade. Twenty years is a score.

How many years are there in 1 decade?

Ten There are ten years in a decade.

How years are there in a decade?

Ten years in a decade

Is 4 decades 100 years?

No. A decade is ten years. So 10 decades is 100 years. Here's a useful guide I cooked up earlier: Decade = 10 years Century = 100 years Millenium = 1000 years

If ten is decate then what is one hundred?

A decade is 10 years; a century is 100 years.

How long is ten decades?

Since 1 Decade is 10 years. 10X10=100 100 years or 1 Century

10 years equals 1 what?

Ten Years Equals A Decade, 100 Years equals A Century.