Duval County in Florida has an area of approximately 918 square miles.
Jacksonville Florida is Duval County. Area Code 904.
Duval County in Florida has a total area of 918 square miles.
Jacksonville is 885 square miles.
Largest county by population : Miami-Dade, 2,376,014 (2005); Largest county by area: Palm Beach, 2,034 sq mi.
Polk County is the largest county in Iowa with population of 430,640 as of the 2010 U.S. Census. Kossuth County is the largest county in Iowa with total land area of 973 square miles.
It has the largest population but Randolf County with 1,040 square miles is larger in area.
Thomas Duval Roberts has written: 'Area handbook for Laos' 'Area handbook for Ivory Coast' 'Area handbook for the Republic of Turkey'
If you are going to Englewood, FL in Duval County (Jacksonville area) its about 323 miles. There is a second Englewood in Sarasota County just North of Ft Myers that is about 50 miles away.
Canada at 10 million sq/kms, only Russia is larger.
A country or a continent is larger than a city.
Ventura County in California has a total area of approximately 2,208 square miles. It is one of the larger counties in the state in terms of land area.