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Q: Is overtime anything over 8 hours in one day in Nevada?
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Is working over 8 hours in a single day considered overtime in Texas?

No, I am a nurse I work 12-16 hours per day depending on my schedule and we don't get overtime. Overtime is anything over 40hours/week.

Overtime an employee doesn't work a full week but will say they worked the weekend and claim that as overtime can they do this?

What the company considers overtime needs to be defined in an employees' handbook. Some companies might consider overtime as anything over 8 hours in a day while other companies might consider overtime as anything over 40 hours in a week.

How many hours do you work in a blood bank?

A standard work week is 40 hours, anything over that is considered overtime.

What is the maximum hours employer can make you work?

40 hours per week, anything over this amount is considered overtime.

What is overtime in academy sports and outdoors?

Overtime is paid time and a half of whatever your normal hourly pay is. for full time employees it is anything over 40 hours a week and for part time employees it is anything over 30 hours a week. usually they will not go over those hours per week unless they absolutely have to. they will deff do it during the holidays but once the holidays are over they go right back to not an hour of overtime is given to an employee.

I work for a welding company in NJ.They do not pay overtime,is this legal?

Not getting paid overtime is illegal beccause anything over 40 hours is considered overtime, go to this site and research

What are the overtime laws for my area for a regular hourly employee?

They must give you time and a half for anything over 40 hours per week.

What is forced overtime?

Forced overtime is when an employer makes employees work over their scheduled 40 hours.

Maximum hours allowed to work at age 18?

As many as are available to be worked. Anything over 40 hours at one job requires overtime pay, but you can work as many hours as you're capable of working.

In Pennsylvania what is the limit of overtime hours your employer can MAKE you work Is there a limit to overtime hours or forced overtime hours?

No limit on hours, just overtime on hours over 40 in one work week. If you do not have a contract with your employer limiting the hours, you can be forced to work the hours. This is one of the benefits of belonging to a union, your work hours have been negotiated with your employer, so they can not force you to work extra long hours.

Hi, my question is when you get paid bi-monthly and one week has overtime and the other is less than 40 about 37hrs. does the week that has overtime go to the non overtime week, or should you get overtime for the one week this is a big question @ our pla?

FLSA law says that a week is 40 hours. If you worked more than 40 hours that week, anything over the 40 is overtime even if you worked only 37 the following week.

What is the normal hours to work per week?

Normal hours to work in a week is 40hrs which is 5 days a week 8hrs a day. Which is a full time job. Anything over 8 hrs is usually over time unless you work under the construction law which is anything after 9hrs is overtime.