it is 1,503,905
Maine is approximately 35,385 square miles in size, making it the 39th largest state in the United States.
No Maine county is as large as Rhode Island and Connecticut combined. RI is 1545 square miles and Connecticut is 5,544 square miles in size. The largest Maine county is Aroostook, which is 6,672 square miles in size.
Maine covers approximately 35,385 square miles, making it the 41st largest state in the United States.
Maine, USA - 35,385 square miles.
The Maine Register lists the area of Maine as 33265 square mile
Maine is larger, although it is the 39th US state in size (35,387 square miles). Hawaii is number 43 (10,932 square miles). Maine has nearly 5 times the land area of the Hawaiian islands.
No, New York is bigger than Maine. New York State is ranked 27th in size, of all the 50 states. Maine is ranked 39th in size. The total area of New York State is 54,555 square miles (141,299 square kilometers). The total area of Maine is 35,385 square miles (91,646 square kilometers).
Maine has an area of about 33,414 square miles, or about 86,542 square kilometers.
It is 35,385 square miles.
It has an area of 35,385 square miles.
The United States is around 3.8 million square miles in size.