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Peru is about halfway between Texas (second largest US state) and Alaska (largest US state) in size.

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Q: Square area of Peru compare to a square area to an American state?
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Which state is the largest in square mile?

The largest by far is Alaska with 663,267.26 square miles. The next largest is Texas with 268,580.82 square miles.

How does Brazil compare in size with a US State?

US 9 372 614 Kilometers Square Brazil 8 514 876 Kilometers Square

Which american state has the largest area?

Alaska is the largest U.S. State, by area - approximately 663,000. square miles. Texas follows at approximately 268,000. square miles.

How does the size of japan compare to a US state?

147,000 square miles or slightly smaller than Montana.

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At 147,046 square miles Montana is closet to Germany's 137,847 square miles. Next in size would be New Mexico at 121,593 square miles.

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Japan is 145,840 sq. miles Montana is 147,046 sq miles

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Washington state is roughly 1/3 bigger than the state of Maine. According to online sources, the total area for the state of Maine is 35,385 square miles whereas Washington state comes in at a much larger 71,300 square miles.

How many sq feet is AZ?

The American state of Arizona is 113,998 square miles in area. There are 27,878,400 (or 52802) square feet in one mile. Therefore, Arizona's area in square feet is equal to 113,998 x 27,878,400 = 3,178,081,843,200 square feet.

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There are 59441 square miles in the state of Georgia.

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Georgia is the American state that's closest in size to Suriname. Georgia's total area is 59,425 square miles [153,909 square kilometers]. Suriname's total area is 63,251 square miles [163,821 square kilometers].

How big is the Yukon?

Yukon have the same size as Texas in the united state.

What is square mileage of state of Tennessee?

About 42,169 square miles.