New England, USA - 71,991.8 sq miles. (6) New England States total: 66,507 square miles Maine 33,128 Vermont 9,615 New Hampshire 9,283 Massachusetts 8,262 Connecticut 5,006 Rhode Island 1,213
If you are referring to the 'square mile' in London, it compares to Wall Street in New York.
New England covers an area of approximately 71,991 square miles.
Great Britain is significantly larger than New England. Great Britain, which includes England, Scotland, and Wales, is about 80,823 square miles, while New England, made up of six states in the United States (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont), has a total area of about 71,991 square miles.
It has 545,852 people living in a 181 square mile area.
New Jersey has a total area of approximately 8,722 square miles.
Oregon has 98,381 square mile in area; Wales has 8,023 square miles. Wales is about the same area as New Jersey.
The area of Six Flags New England is 1,149,307.2239616 square meters.
Manchester, England - 44.7 sq miles.
Connecticut has a 5,542 square mile total area ranking it 48th among the US States and New Jersey's total area is 8,729 square miles and ranks 47th in total area.
Princeton's area is 18.36 square miles.
New Jersey is number one in density of population per square mile and number 46 in land area (square miles) out of 50.