Total square miles = 59,424.8 Total square miles (land) = 57,906.1 Total square miles (water) = 1,518.6 (Data from The 2004 Georgia County Guide)
Dalton, Georgia's area is 19.81 square miles.
The US state of Georgia has an area of 65,498 square miles.
The country of Georgia's area is 26,900 square miles (69,700 square kilometers). The US state of Georgia's area is 59,400 square miles (154,000 square kilometers).
Georgia has a total area of around 59,425 square miles.
The state of Georgia is 59,425 sq miles.
436 square miles
The area of Georgia is 59,441 square miles (153,951 km2).
The area of Georgia is 59,441 square miles, to be exact.It contains 59,425 square milesThe state of Georgia has a total land and water area of 59,425 square miles (24th in size of the 50 states).
There are 59441 square miles in the state of Georgia.
151 square miles.
436 square miles
The US state of Georgia has an area of 59,425 square miles or 153,909 km2