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(Republic of the) Sudan - 967,498.25 square miles.

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Q: Sudan is how many square miles?
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How many square miles does Sudan have?

Sudan (Republic of the Sudan) - 967,495 square miles.

How many square miles are there in Sudan?

Sudan covers an area of 967,498.65 square miles.

How many miles does Sudan measure?

Sudan covers approx 718,723 square miles.

How many square miles does Sudan cover?

Sudan covers 967,500 sq miles (2.506 million km²).

What is the square mileage of the country Sudan?

Sudan - 967,498.25 square miles.

What country is bigger Turkey or Sudan?

Sudan is bigger. It is 728,215 square miles while Turkey is 302,535 square miles.

What is suda africa's area in square miles?

Sudan's area is 728,000 square miles (1,890,000 square kilometers).

What is the size of South Sudan in square kilometer?

Sudan (Republic of the Sudan) - 967,495 square miles.

How many miles from juba Sudan Africa to Khartoum Sudan?

1000 miles

How many miles from Egypt to Sudan?

There are 965 miles from Egypt to Sudan. The best way to get from Egypt to Sudan is by plane.

How many miles from Sudan to Ethiopia?

Distance from Sudan to Ethiopia is 1194.67 kilometres

How many miles are from Sudan to California?

Over 9,000 miles.