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The downtown of a United States or American city, which is usually characterized by a square grid layout is called the central business district. Geography is concerned with providing a spatial perspective on the world.

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Q: The downtown of a United States city which is characterized by a square grid layout is called?
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The downtown of a United States which is characterized by a square-grid layout is called the?

central business district

The downtown of an United States city which is characterized by a square-grid layout is called?

A city plan in which the street run perpendicular to each other is called a gridiron plan. It is also called at Hippodamian plan, which is from the ancient culture of Greece.

What is the downtown of a United States city which is usually characterized by a square-grid layout called?

A city plan in which the street run perpendicular to each other is called a gridiron plan. It is also called at Hippodamian plan, which is from the ancient culture of Greece.

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Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.Rome's ancient "downtown" was called the Forum Romanum.

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