Dissimilar fractions.
Common Denominators. :)
The least common denominator.
Equivalent fractions.
They are equivalent fractions.
it helps you find the distance between fractions beacause the new name should be an equivalent fraction
Fractions are numbers used to name part of a whole or a part of a set.have a numerator ( top number)have a denominator ( bottom number)there are many types of fractions: proper, improper, and equivalent fractions.There are also mixed numbers and common denominators.
There is no special name for such fractions.
two equivalent fractions for 5 over 15 = 1/3, 10/30
Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer or a common factor. You will have an equivalent fraction.
no No; a mixed number is rational. Irrational means it cannot be written as a fraction, but mixed numbers can always be written as (improper) fractions. *By the way, improper fractions are still fractions, despite their degrading name! It just means the fraction's numerator is larger than its denominator.
218 is an integer, not a fraction. However, if you must, you could write it as 218/1.