The coordinates 41N72W correspond to Boston, Massachusetts in the United States.
These coordinates are about 5 miles southeast of Maricopa, AZ.
42° 21′ 28″ N, 71° 3′ 42″ W42.357778, -71.061667
The coordinates 46N 71W correspond to the city of Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States.
42° 21′ 29″ N, 71° 3′ 49″ W
The city located at 43N 71W coordinates is Boston, Massachusetts in the United States.
equinoctial system of coordinates
The team coordinates their action by the clock. What are the coordinates of that country?
Integral coordinates are coordinates that are whole numbers. Integral coordinates cannot be fractional or have decimals. They are used, generally, for gross designations.
The x coordinates are horizontal whereas the y coordinates are vertical on the Cartesian plane.
The coordinates of Australia are 2790s 133556E