The largest cities in Utah include:
Utah, USA - 84,904 square miles (USA's 13th largest state).
Utah County, Utah is 2,141 square miles total. 1,998 square miles in land, and 143 square miles in water. The city of Provo is in Utah County. As of the 2010 census, the population is 516,564.
Utah, USA - 84,889 sq miles (13th largest of the 50 states).
Utah has a total area of 84,896 square miles including 82,169 square miles of land. It is the 13th largest state based on total area and the 12th largest state based on total land area.
Superior is the largest lake that's partly in the United States at 31,820 square miles. The largest lake entirely contained in the United States is Lake Michigan, 22,400 square miles. Excluding the great lakes, the Great Salt Lake in Utah is the largest lake in the USA at 1700 square miles.
Arizona is the 13th largest state in terms of area in the United States.
Utah's state area is approximately 84,899 square miles.
The largest lake totally in the United States is Lake Michigan at 22,400 square miles. Excluding the Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake in Utah could be the largest lake at 1700 square miles.
Utah covers 84,899 sq miles (219,887 km²).
The largest county in the state of Utah is called 'San Juan County', which is located in the southwestern part of the state. It has an area of 7,933 square miles or 20,550 square kilometers. It has a population of 14,746 persons, and the most populous city of the state is Blanding.
Utah's water area is 2,755.18 square miles.
Utah is 84,899 square miles. Delaware is only 2,491 square miles. You could fit 34 Delawares inside of Utah!!