1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or one thousand trillion. what do you mean by one thousand trillion?
The nearest thousand for 2,465 is 2,000.
The SI prefix "kilo-" denotes one thousand. For example, one kilometer is equal to one thousand meters, and one kilogram is equal to one thousand grams.
You would write it 101,000; that is assuming you mean one hundred and one thousand.
The number 10,000 or the number one thousand ten times.
Do you mean one hundred thousand, if so you write it like this 100,000
it means alot of.
It means One Thousand and One sayings.
It is not clear what you mean by fifty one ten thousand. Ten thousand and fifty one is a number, also written as 10,051. Or you may mean 51 x 10,000 which equals 510,000. Or perhaps you mean something else.
They do not give marks. The top 10 Thousand students are selected. There is no cut off.
Eugene Marks died on January 20, 2013, in Thousand Oaks, California, USA of leukemia.
K means One Thousand So, 400k means Four hundred thousand