It has a total area of 8,729 square miles with 14.9 percent of its total area covered by water.
New Jersey is 8,729 square miles.
New Jersey's total water area is 1,303 square miles.
New Jersey, USA - 8,729 square miles.
New Jersey, USA - Total area of 8,729 square miles of which 7,428.4 square miles is land.
The total area of New Jersey is approximately 8,722 square miles.
It has an area of about 8,729 square miles :)
The state of New Jersey has a total area (land and water) of 8,722.58 square miles making it 47th in size.
New Jersey has a total area of approximately 8,722 square miles.
New Jersey is number one in density of population per square mile and number 46 in land area (square miles) out of 50.
The area of Wales is 8,022 square miles. About the same as the U.S. state of New Jersey.
Puerto Rico is bigger in terms of total land area compared to New Jersey. Puerto Rico is approximately 3,515 square miles in size, while New Jersey is about 8,723 square miles in size.