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The doctor-patient relationship is a compulsory subject in all the best medical schools in the world, aiming to enable the physician to have a satisfactory performance and pertinent to the sick in order to enhance the therapeutic task by way of safe, reliable and positive.

Teams should be sensitive to understand the fragility of the patient weakens and your family gets sick, and they also welcome it means an additional effort that many do not want, do not stand, or do not know how. Depending on the tags that may arise between the professional, patient and family become frequent defensive attitudes of incomprehension or misunderstanding in communication, more traumatized than help.

In the name of efficiency, sometimes, doctors and nurses put themselves in a very effective distance, appear difficult to place themselves entirely. They have excellent capacity for technical procedures, but not always for professional humane attitudes, as if the attendance of medical staff and nurses could not include tenderness and welcome to the feelings that arise in the experience of shock caused by the disease.

The subjectivity of the practitioner must be present with tenderness and welcome the desperate search for balance from the patient and his family, when they deny the disease, or seek alternative cures, instead, try to help with some hope, when the disease is felt as a death sentence that nullifies any expectation.

Upon entering the patient's room, doctors and nurses can get involved with intense emotions, and lose the capacity to host from the professional role; assume attitudes as if they were family or, conversely, nothing moves them, protect themselves in an aseptic which creates insecurity in the patient and family anger.

The doctor-patient relationship is influenced by the quality of the healthcare team and the patient is the great beneficiary because it is the "vitamins" for your healing process.

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Q: What is the Doctor-patient ratio in Australia?
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