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water covers a bigger area of earths surface in ration 3 : 1

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Q: What is the Ratio of land area to water area of Earth?
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What is ratio of water and land on earth?

It is known that the Earth's surface is covered by 70% water as a fact. This tells us that the ratio of water is to land is 7:3, without referring to a world map.

What proportion of the earth's surface is land and what is water?

The water:land ratio is about 70:30

What is the ratio of land to water on Earth?

About 70% water, 30% land. Since we are talking about total land mass and total water mass, the amount of water on the Earth is about 3% of total land mass. People seem to forget about the rest of the soil under the ground to the core. I will get a related link for this question at a later time.

Which is greater land or water?

Water has a larger surface area on the earth. Land has a greater mass.

Does earth have more area of water of land?

theres is more water

What is the Total Land Area of North America?

The total land area of the earth is 148,300,000 sq km. 30% of the world is land and 70% is water.

What is the sea to land ratio?

The sea to land ratio is approximately 71% to 29%. This means that about 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans, while approximately 29% is covered by land.

Which covers a bigger area of the earth's surfaceland or water?

Water covers a far larger area than land

Is there more land or water on earth?

There is more water on Earth than land (surface area). Water covers nearly 71% of the Earth's surface. While Earth's surface is mostly water, Earth is nearly all rock. Just 0.5% of the planet by weight is water. -Thong Tran

Which planet known as wattery planet?

Earth. Scientist were almost about to call earth "Water" instead. The earth is the watery planet because it is has 2/3 of the ratio water/land. Hoped that Helped!!

What planet has more water than land?

There is more water than land. Answer There is quite a bit more sea than land, and an approximate ratio would be 2/3 sea and 1/3 land.

What percent of America covers the world?

The United States covers about 7% of Earth's land area. Including all over Earth's surface area (land and water), the US covers about 2% of Earth's surface.