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The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km² (15,940 square miles).
Switzerland's area is about 15,900 square miles (41,300 square kilometers).

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11y ago

The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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11y ago

I assume you mean the area of Switzerland. The area around Switzerland is the rest of the world!

The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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11y ago

The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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What is the sq mi of Switzerland?

Switzerland's a small country! Its total area is somewhere around 42,000 square kilometers, or roughly 16,000 square miles.

How many square miles does Switzerland cover?

The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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Switzerland covers a total area of 41, 285 square kilometres.Switzerland: population - 7,739,100; area - 41,290 square kilometresSwitzerland

How many square kilometers does Switzerland have?

The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

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The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

How many square kilometers in Switzerland?

According to Wikipedia, the area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2, or 15,940 square miles.

What is the size of Switzerland in squer km?

The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles.

What is the total area of Switzerland in hectares?

The area of Switzerland is 41,285 km2 or 15,940 square miles. 1 km2 = 100 Hectares

How many times would Switzerland fit into the state of Minnesota?

Switzerland: 15'940 square miles Minnesota: 87'014 square miles Five-and-a-half Switzerlands would fit inside Minnesota.