China has a land area of 3,705,407 square miles, and a population of approx 1,376,049,000 people.The US has a land area of 3,805,927 square miles, and a population of approx 322,369,000 people.Therefore in land area China is slightly smaller, in population China is much bigger.
China has a total area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers and a population of over 1.4 billion people, making it the most populous country in the world.
China - 3,705,405.45 square miles.
3,694,959.4 square miles
Paraguay - Population: about 6,347,900 / Area: 157,046.99 square miles.
China's area is about 3.748 million sq miles.
China covers an area of 3,705,407 square miles making it the second largest country in the world by land area. They have a population of 1.3 billion people.
China is bigger and also has a much larger population. China has a land area of 9,579,000 sq km and a population of over 1 billion. Australia has a land area of 7,682,300 sq km and a population of about 21.5 million
China covers an area of 3.748 million sq miles (9.707 million km²).
China has a total land area of approximately 3.7 million square miles.
China's area is 3.748 million sq miles (9.707 million km²).
The area of Houston is 579.4 square miles.