Connecticut, USA - 5,543 square miles.
Maine has more land area compared to Connecticut. Maine is the largest of the New England states, with a total land area of 35,385 square miles, while Connecticut has a land area of 4,842 square miles.
Woodstock's area is 61.8 square miles.
The state with an area closest to 4,244 square miles is Connecticut at 5,544 square miles.
Connecticut's area is 5,540 square miles (14,400 square kilometers).
Glastonbury Center, Connecticut's area is 52.32 square miles.
Area is not expressed in feet. You can express area in square units, such as square kilometers, square meters, square miles, or square feet.
Fairfield, Connecticut's area is 31.3 square miles (81.1 square kilometers).
As far as square miles - Derby, Connecticut In regards to population - Union, Connecticut
Middletown, Connecticut is 42.3 square miles.
Connecticut's estimated population was 3,590,886 as of July 1, 2015 per the U.S. Census Bureau. Connecticut has total area of 5,543.41 square miles which includes 4,842.36 square miles of land.