Brazil - 3,287,597 square miles.
Brazil - 3,286,486.71 total square miles. 3,265,124.55 square miles of land area.
3,286,470 sq mi
Brazils area is 8,514,877 square kilometers or 3,287,612.4 square miles.
Brazil's area is 3,288,000 square miles.
Nigeria covers an area of 356,667 square miles. Brazil covers an area of 3,287,597 square miles. Therefore Brazil is larger.
The land area of Brazil is approx 3,227,000 square miles.
Brazil has an area of 3,287,597 square miles; 5th largest country in the world.
Brazil's total area is 3.288 million square miles.
Brazil has a total area of approximately 3.29 million square miles, making it the fifth largest country in the world by land area.
Brazil has more square miles of area than the United States excluding Alaska. The area of the United States is 3.797 million square miles. Alaska has 665,384 square miles of total area. The area of the United States excluding Alaska is 3.132 million square miles. The area of Brazil is 3.288 million square miles.
Brazil has an area of 3,287,597 square miles; 5th largest country in the world.
The country of Brazil is much larger than the state of Utah. Brazil covers an area of 3,287,597 square miles. Utah covers an area of 84,899 square miles.
8.511.965 kilometer square
The area of Brazil is 3,287,357 square miles. The area of Colombia is 440, 800 square miles. Simply divide the larger number by the smaller number.
Brazil - 3,287,597 square miles.