1 285 216 sq km
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Peru's area is ~496,000 square miles (1,290,000 square kilometers).
Only 0.41% of Peru's total area is water. This equates to about 2,034.5 square miles.
Peru's area is 496,000 square miles (1,290,000 square kilometers).
The nearest to that figure is Peru, at 496000 sq miles.
Peru has an area of 1,285,216 square kilometers. For size comparisons, see the related link below.
Peru landmass is 1,285,220 square kilometres.
The country of Peru spans an area of 496,225 square miles. The capitol of Peru is Lima and this country is home to almost 31 million people are of 2014.
Peru is 1,326,074 square kilometers (or 512,000 square miles).
1 square mile = 640 acresPeru = 496,218 square miles = (496,218 x 640) = 317,579,520 acres.
Peru is 496,226 square miles - roughly the size of Alaska. The United States as a whole is approximatly 3,537,441 square miles, over 7X the size of Peru.
The total area of Peru is approximately 1,285,220 square kilometers.