The area of Phoenix metropolitan area is 37,744 square kilometers.
The 2010 US Census recorded 4,192,887 residents which is just over 65% of Ariizona's population.
Phoenix has a larger city area, but a smaller metropolitan area by population.
In the Metropolitan Phoenix area..
In the Metropolitan Phoenix area.
It is a part of the Phoenix Metropolitan area.
Yes, raccoons are quite adaptable and could live in Phoenix.
It is in Maricopa County and is as a result a part of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.
about 4.5million
It is the seat of the State Government, the largest City and the center of the largest metropolitan area in Arizona.
Ocotillo is a masterplanned community located in Chandler, Arizona, in the East Valley areas of the Phoenix metropolitan area.
The area of Saskatoon Metropolitan Area is 5,214.52 square kilometers.
The area of Hagerstown Metropolitan Area is 2,640 square kilometers.