Approximately 183,890 sq kilometers or 1.97937549 x 1012 sq feet.
Quebec's area is 595,000 square miles (1,540,000 square kilometers).
Quebec has a total area of approximately 1.542 million square kilometers.
Victoriaville is a city in Quebec, Canada. The total area of Victoriaville is approximately 81 square kilometers.
The area of CΓ΄te-Nord in Quebec, Canada is approximately 242,700 square kilometers.
No, Quebec is not 7 times bigger than France. France is approximately 13 times larger in territory than Quebec. France covers an area of around 551,695 square kilometers, while Quebec covers around 1,542,056 square kilometers.
Montreal, a city in Quebec, Canada, is approximately 5,834 kilometers (3,621 miles) from Paris, France.
Quebec is the largest province in Canada with a land area of approximately 1.5 million square kilometers, which represents about 15.4% of Canada's total land area.
Montreal, Canada - 365.13 km2
595,391 square feet?
It is a river in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
Quebec's area is approximately 595,391 square miles, making it the largest province in Canada by area.
The area of Balones is 11.2 square kilometers.