Russia (Russian Federation) - 17,075,200 km2 or 6,592,800 square miles (the world's largest country in terms of geographical area).
Russia (Russian Federation) - 6,592,800 square miles.
Russia (Russian Federation) - 6,592,800 square miles. (largest in the world).
The area of Federation Square is 32,000.0 square meters.
The area of the Russian Federation is 17,098,242 km2/6,592,800 sq. miles. Since the world's landmass is 148,940,000 sq. kilometres, the Russian Federation covers 11.48% of this land mass.
The country code and area code of Astrakhan, Russian Federation is 7, (8)8512.
The country code and area code of Evreyskaya region, Russian Federation is 7, (8)426.
The country code and area code of Lipetsk, Russian Federation is 7, (8)4742.
Russia (Russian Federation) - 17,075,200 km2
The country code and area code of Barnaul, Russian Federation is 7, (8)3852.
The country code and area code of Comm. networtk Kalita, Russian Federation is 7, (8)49630.
The country code and area code of Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation is 7, (8)855.
The country code and area code of Penza region, Russian Federation is 7, (8)841.