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The largest city of Vermont is Burlington, which has an area of 15.5 mi2 (40.1 km2).

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Q: What is the area of the largest city of Vermont?
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What is the queen city of Vermont?

Burlington , Vermont. Largest city in State. Burlington and Rutland are the only above 15,000 in Vermont.

What city in Vermont has the largest population?


Major cites in Vermont?

Burlington is the largest city.

What is the largest building in Vermont?

Montpelier City Hall

Is Connecticut or Vermont a larger state?

Connecticut is larger based on population. Vermont is larger based on total area. Vermont is the 49th largest U.S. state based on population and the 45th largest state based on total area. Connecticut is the 29th largest U.S. state based on population and the 48th largest state based on total area.

What is the largest state Connecticut or Vermont?

Connecticut is larger based on population. Vermont is larger based on total area. Vermont is the 49th largest U.S. state based on population and the 45th largest state based on total area. Connecticut is the 29th largest U.S. state based on population and the 48th largest state based on total area.

What is the largest city in Vermont?

Because Vermont has communities that are not incorporated as Cities but as Towns, the State has only nine Cities with numerous towns that have larger populations then some of the cities. For example Vergennes is a City with a population of only 2,666 and is ranked as the ninth largest city does not appear on a list of the 20 most populated municipalities in Vermont. Essex with a population of 19,649 is a town and does not appear on a list of Vermont Cities but is the State's second largest municipality.

What is the largest county in Vermont in square miles?

Windsor County.

Which state is larger in size Delaware or Vermont?

By total land area, Vermont is larger than Delaware. Vermont ranks 45th out of 50 states in total land mass with a size of 9,616.36 square miles while Delaware ranks 49th out of 50 states in total land mass with a size of 2,488.72 square miles.

Which of these states is the largest Delaware Connecticut Vermont?

Connecticut is the larger state based on population. Vermont is the larger state based on total area. Delaware is the 45th largest U.S. state based on population and the 49th largest state based on total area. Connecticut is the 29th largest U.S. state based on population and the 48th largest state based on total area. Vermont is the 49th largest U.S. state based on population and the 45th largest state based on total area.

Which state is larger Vermont or Delaware?

Delaware is larger based on population. Vermont is larger based on total area. Vermont is the 49th largest U.S. state based on population and the 45th largest state based on total area. Delaware is the 45th largest U.S. state based on population and the 49th largest state based on total area.

What is the difference in area of Vermont and Delaware?

Vermont has a total area of 9,616 square miles and is the 45th largest state based on total area. Delaware has total area of 2,488 square miles and is the 49th largest U.S. state based on total area. Vermont has 7,128 more square miles of area than Delaware.