Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) - 426,371 square miles.
Ethiopia is much bigger than Somalia Ethiopia has a land area of 426,371 square miles, whilst Somalia is only 246,201 square miles. The population of Ethiopia is approx 79 million, whilst Somalia is approx 9 million.
The land area of the Philippines is approximately 115,000 square miles.
Total land area is 251,827.412 square miles.
The land area of Ohio is 40,858 square miles.
Syria - Total Area: 71,498.4 square miles. Land: 70,900 square miles.
Ecuador's land area is 98,985 square miles.
Ireland has a land area of approximately 32,595 square miles.
Colorado's land area is 103,719.2616 square miles.
The total land area of the Philippines is approximately 115,800 square miles.
The land area of Chile is approximately 291,930 square miles.
42,400 square miles of land.
Canada - 3,511,000 square miles of land area.